About Us


Taiwanese School
Taiwanese School of Atlanta

3070 Corners North CT, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071
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Phone: 770-446-6579
E-mail: Taiwanese.School.of.Atlanta@gmail.com

About Taiwanese School of Atlanta

In 1998, a big group of Taiwanese parents and community leaders decided to establish the Taiwanese School of Atlanta (TSA). The initial meetings commenced on June 21, 1998. After several gatherings and meetings, the Board of Directors was established on July 18, and soon after, the school officially opened on August 22, 1998.

TSA's vision is to teach the younger Taiwanese American generation the Mandarin (Chinese) and Taiwanese languages, recognize the Taiwanese culture and heritage, and spread the awareness of the Taiwanese culture with the American community. The school offers intimate sized classes, with ages ranging from toddlers to adults. Main class offerings include Taiwanese, Mandarin (Chinese), culture, traditional drums, traditional dance, and college preparatory classes for SAT and AP Chinese exams.

The school hires professional and experienced teachers depending on the different class needs. In addition, the teaching materials are adjusted to the students’ needs. Annual school wide activities include a language competition, a metro Atlanta Taiwanese/Chinese school field day, and a Lunar New Year Festival in Chinatown. The school’s drum team is well known throughout the metro Atlanta area and is often invited to perform at various events and occasions. TSA students are also involved in helping the community by taking part in events at the Atlanta Open Door Community and different culture festivals.

1998年,鑒於當時僑社教育第二、三代台美子弟的華文教材,其方針與內容皆與我們的認知,有太大的落差。 亞特蘭大同鄉會之熱心鄉親們,及一群學生定長共同發起成立"台美學校",以培育台美子弟認識華語文和台語文,認同台灣文化及互相交誼為創校宗旨。


由於同鄉們本著過去數十年來的精神~克苦經營、自給自足,教職員的全心全力犧牲奉獻,學生家長的全力支持,才得於1998年8月22才正式招生開學。學校 採取小班制,年齡自5歲至成人不等。 課程有台語文(45分鐘),華語文(90分鐘),還有文化課、舞蹈課、SAT加強課等,依照學生進度、興趣及需要做靈活的調整。

台美學校聘請專業教育人材,有多年教學經驗,不但熱心而且有愛心的來教導。 華語課:教材以僑委會出版之海外華語修訂版為主,兒童華語本為輔,並配合博愛統一作業及各式課外補充教材,以學生程度需要作適當的傳授。

台語課:分幼兒班、中級班及高級班。 幼兒班教材採用台灣語文學會編訂的台灣閩南語第一、二冊課本及配合課文的CD。 中級班及高級班教材由本校教師編寫。 駐要參考台灣語文學會教材,台北縣及屏東縣台語課本,和林繼雄/王育德文教基金會台語文資源。 鑒於學生中文程度不夠,而台語漢字太艱深,台語課文是用改良式的羅馬拼音書寫,深入淺出,趣味非凡。

學校每年都舉辦華語文、台語文的比賽,希望能提昇學生語言溝通能力,並增進學習的興趣。 文化課:依學生年齡,由淺漸進,配合台灣文化、童玩及生活節慶,作有系列的教導,並就地取材、廢物利用。 藉此提升雙手靈活應用與創造思考觀察的能力,並培養多方面的興趣。

舞蹈課:主要教授功夫、擊鼓和民俗舞蹈。 舞蹈能培養優美的儀態,功夫在訓練體能,擊鼓可培養團隊精神。 這些活動都能增強注意力,讓學生們善於表現,臨陣不怯場,每年都有多次給學生們在外表演的機會。 課外之餘,更鼓勵學生做社區服務,諸如收集食物、衣服到收容所替無家可歸者準備餐食。 同時,學生也加入參與台灣文化節活動,....。


Proud to be Taiwanese-American